Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When Christ is Lifted Up

I can remember taking one last bathroom trip before going into my Bible study at church. I checked the mirror and looked fine and walked into class, excited to share my insights and hoping to make some new friends. The leader announced that we would be discussing John 12:32. I flipped to the passage and read, "But I, if I be lifted up...will draw all men to Myself." I assumed Christ was speaking of the type of death he would experience up on a cross and that his death and resurrection would draw men to Him.
However, I saw an additional meaning in that when we lift up Christ and glorify Him, people are drawn to the "Him" in us. So Christ is our hope of glory then, not us, of course. I went on to read I Cor. 2:4 where Paul did not preach with excellency of speech to impress people because it might veil the power of God. He knew that anything that flattered or drew attention to him might steal from the full impact of the gospel doing its work.
I learned a lot that day years ago. My focus changed from self-consciousness to God-c0nsciousness. I never saw self-consciousness as bad before but as shy and insecure. The key was in the word: self-conciousness: conscious of self! Since I loved to make friends, I was trying to attract some with my clever answers.
My focus and prayer then became: "Let your life be lifted up, Lord, and let me know what answer, if any, to share. Let me know who needs an encouraging word, a listening ear, and let you get all the glory!"
When friends are drawn to our path through Christ, it is for the purpose of giving out some part of Him they may need from us and then releasing them again. We never keep or "possess" their friendship, simply get back on the path to the Lord's next assignment for us. We are to point others to Christ and then disappear into hiddenness. Abraham became God's friend and was to put nothing before Him.

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